DIY Easter

Best of easter decoration

Thinking about your easter decoration? Well, over the last few years I made several of them and because some of you haven’t known my blog back then I want to show you a collection with my personal favorites. (hier klicken für DEUTSCH)

My first favorite is the egg I made with my ’stucco technique‘. This idea started my obsession with die cutting machines in 2013. The finished egg looked like this. If you click on the image you can read the whole post I have written.

easter decoration
stucco technique

My next highlight has been my video about the double embossing technique. This technique can best be shown by using some bright colors, like I did for this easter card. Again, click the image for the whole text.

create an easter card with double embossing
double embossing

Next I want to show you an older tutorial of mine. I made an easter decoration some years ago, with a small flower punch. Easy as pie and fun. Check it out (click the image):

easter decoration
easter decoration

The fourth idea is simple: Just take a long walk in the woods and collect some twigs. It only takes a few minutes to turn them into cute easter nests:

I hope you enjoy making some fancy spring decors.

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