This friday is the last day of a week full of inspiration brought to you by Imagine Crafts and Rubbermoon art stamps. The AIR team has been invited to play with stamps and a clock kit, available from Rubbermoon.
Heute findet ihr im Blog von Imagine Crafts den letzten Beitrag der kreativen Inspirationswoche von Imagine Crafts und Rubbermoon, einem amerikanischen Hersteller außergewöhnlicher Kunststempel.
My version of the clock turned out very steampunky. I was suprised and overwhelmed by the versions of my team mates this week. From funny to cheerful there have been pretty, creative and inspiring clocks and craft ideas. Please visit the BLOG of Imagine Crafts for my clock and do not miss the other clocks from this weeks blog posts! CLICK HERE for the video tutorial of my clock and find all the others there.
Meine „Artist in Residence“ Gruppe wurde von Rubbermoon eingeladen, mit einem Uhren-Bausatz und ihren Stempeln zu spielen. Gesagt- getan! Während der vergangenen Woche haben meine Teamkollegen sich dabei selbst übertroffen- es entstanden Uhren die unterschiedlicher nicht sein können und zeigen eine große Bandbreite kreativer Ideen.
Oh, and I made a customized gift bag for the clock that can be easily adapted to any other gift. Check it out!
Lasst euch inspirieren, und schaut euch mein Video für eine Steampunk-Uhr an. Ihr findet es HIER.
Außerdem habe ich eine nette Idee gefilmt, wie man sich für die Uhr eine passende Geschenktüte basteln und an jede andere Geschenkgröße anpassen kann.

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This friday is the last day of a week full of inspiration brought to you by Imagine Crafts and Rubbermoon art stamps. The AIR team has been invited to play with stamps and a clock kit, available from Rubbermoon.
My version of the clock turned out very steampunky. I was suprised and overwhelmed by the versions of my team mates this week. From funny to cheerful there have been pretty, creative and inspiring clocks and craft ideas. Please visit the BLOG of Imagine Crafts for my clock and do not miss the other clocks from this weeks blog posts! CLICK HERE for the video tutorial of my clock and find all the others there.
Oh, and I made a customized gift bag for the clock that can be easily adapted to any other gift. Check it out!
Support is LOVE
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