creativeworld 2014.1
Dear friends! I will write about the creativeworld all week. For your convenience I will write english and german, for the ENGLISH blogposts…
Das war mehr als schön
Liebe Freunde! Kann es sein, dass ich nur zwei Tage auf der Creativeworld war? Ich habe Dinge gesehen, erlebt und gehört, dass es…
Kommt mit zur Creativeworld
Ich hab mir neulich eigens für instagram ein neues smartphone besorgt. Ich hasse die Technik, aber ich liebe Bilder. Also muss Oma Bärbel…
Creativeworld 2014 countdown
Less than three days from now I can see what the crafting business has to offer this year in Europe. The huge show…
Brace the lace – Armband mit ICE resin
Stepping into a new world is no walk in the park. When I made my way into 2014s team of ICE resin, I…
sketchabilities #107
Welcome to my year 2014! During the last 3 weeks I have been a lazy bone and couldn’t wake up from my christmas…
sketchabilities #106
With each sketch we get it seems to be more and more fun! When I jumped on the sketchabilities bandwagon this autumn I…
custom glitter paper – Glitzerpapier selbermachen
Welcome to my last fiddle friday for this year. It will be the last at all, because my calendar for 2014 is already…
Sketchabilities #105
Welcome to another sketch from the lovely Karan Gerber. This time I have been in such a hurry that my layout doesn’t look…
Rocking around the christmas tree
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