Best of easter decoration
Thinking about your easter decoration? Well, over the last few years I made several of them and because some of you haven’t known…
Rocking around the christmas tree
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sewing on cards – Nähen auf Grußkarten
Todays fiddle friday is about sewing…and card making. For many years there has been a lot sewing on cards now. But because I…
Imaginecrafts ornament exchange
That was amazing! I participated in the first annual ornament exchange of imaginecrafts and I must admit I have not completely understood how…
Spellbinders platinum party blog hop
Thrilling news today! This will my very first blog hop ever and I hope I do it right. After I met the adorable…
Mirror stamping with die cuts – Spiegelbilder stempeln
Mit einem einfachen Trick könnt ihr einen Stempelabdruck spiegelbildlich stempeln
50days – 50 cards, Karte 6-8
I continue with my christmas cards, I want to make 50 this year, and today I show you card 6,7 and 8. I…
cube calendar DIY – Würfelkalender selbermachen
Eine Anleitung wie man einen Würfelkalender selbermachen kann, mit Vorlagen zum drucken und ausschneiden.
A tutorial how to make a cube calendar with templates to print and cut
50 days – 50 cards
Today it’s only 50 days until christmas, did you know that? I haven’t sent any christmas cards for over 10 years, but since…
Mysterious masquerade
Last minute Halloween dress up with some leather, foam or felt. And some spellbinders dies, decorated with some Ranger bling. For more English…