Time travel with Spellbinders
Make the most amazing home decor with style! If you love Steampunk, this idea is the perfect inspiration for you how to achieve this look the easy way.
inlaid work with Spellbinders – Intarsientechnik
Welcome to another fiddle friday. Today I will show my first experiment with a technique I will call „inlaid die-cut work“. The idea…
how to make DIY leather appliqué – Leder-Applikationen selbermachen
There are a million ways to bring some leather bling on accessories, garments and decoration. But a very easy one is to cut…
How to make a flower with tyvek
For English please scroll down, thank you. Dieses Projekt hat mich echt Nerven gekostet. Vergangene Woche sah ich in einem Live-Stream der Firma…
Zum Muttertag – Mothersday
Eine ganz besondere Idee zum Muttertag. Basteln mit Herz.
gold leaf technique on foil – Blattgold-Stempeltechnik auf Folie
Dearies! Today I show you a quick video tutorial for fiddel friday. Yes its Thursday, but tomorrow I have to drive to Korntal,…
Dosenfutter- Can we upcycle? Yes, we CAN
Yesterday I started to upcycle an old can and made a pretty vase. Today the vase became a fancy staffold for my sample…
Ich war zwei Dosen- Upcycled can
For more English please scroll down. Kennt ihr noch den alten Spruch: Ich war eine Dose? Nun, hier waren es gleich zwei. Und…