inlaid work with Spellbinders – Intarsientechnik
Welcome to another fiddle friday. Today I will show my first experiment with a technique I will call „inlaid die-cut work“. The idea…
how to make DIY leather appliqué – Leder-Applikationen selbermachen
There are a million ways to bring some leather bling on accessories, garments and decoration. But a very easy one is to cut…
Prym, my love
Dear DIY friends! Today I want to talk about the grand opening of the factory outlet of Prym, the german leading company for…
Welcome back Penny Black
My stamping dearies! After a decade of keeping and cherishing my beloved Penny Black stamps without using them I am back in the…
How to make a flower with tyvek
For English please scroll down, thank you. Dieses Projekt hat mich echt Nerven gekostet. Vergangene Woche sah ich in einem Live-Stream der Firma…
Zum Muttertag – Mothersday
Eine ganz besondere Idee zum Muttertag. Basteln mit Herz.
bulletproof jewellery- kugelsicherer Schmuck
Welcome to another fiddle friday. Today I have a cute idea for you to craft some unusual jewellery. Maybe your husband knows someone…
gold leaf technique on foil – Blattgold-Stempeltechnik auf Folie
Dearies! Today I show you a quick video tutorial for fiddel friday. Yes its Thursday, but tomorrow I have to drive to Korntal,…
Dosenfutter- Can we upcycle? Yes, we CAN
Yesterday I started to upcycle an old can and made a pretty vase. Today the vase became a fancy staffold for my sample…
Ich war zwei Dosen- Upcycled can
For more English please scroll down. Kennt ihr noch den alten Spruch: Ich war eine Dose? Nun, hier waren es gleich zwei. Und…