Scrapbooking Turnier- Runde eins
Dear friends, today I want to show you my layout for the ‚Supreme Scrap Tournament‘, for more English please scroll down, thank you.…
Valentines day card- Valentinstagskarte
I have to apologize for last weeks ongoing blabla about the creativeworld. This detailed information has been on my todo list for ages.…
Creativeworld 2014.5 Fazit – Conclusion
A show like the creativeworld can have many facets. I have talked about companies, products, people and the organisation itself. In the end…
Creativeworld 2014.4 English
Der deutsche Beitrag zu den Menschen der Creativeworld ist HIER zu finden. Part four of my report about the creativeworld will be about…
Creativeworld 2014.4
The English blogpost about the companies of the creativeworld can be found HERE. Weiter geht’s im Messebericht über die Creativeworld 2014, die anderen…
Creativeworld 2014.3 deutsch/English
This entry will be written in both languages, for more English please scroll down (click ‚read on‘) Heute wird es wieder zweisprachig, und…
sketchabilities #108 – the final
This will be my last layout for the fabulous challenge blog sketchabilities as a member of the team. The last months I learned…
Creativeworld 2014.2 English
Den deutschen Text findet ihr HIER. Today I want to put the focus on the companies I have met during the Creativeworld. As…
Creativeworld 2014.2
The English blogpost about the companies of the creativeworld can be found HERE. Weiter geht’s im Messebericht über die Creativeworld 2014, die anderen…
creativeworld 2014.1 english
Liebe Freunde! Ich habe auch einen deutschen Text dazu geschrieben, den findet ihr HIER Dear Friends! Because there is so much to tell…