upcycled_art_journalDen deutschen Text findet iher HIER.

With the upcoming earth day ahead I wanted to make a quick upcycle project in mixed media style.

As a great fan of upcycling- in fact my grandmother invented upcycling back in her early days long before I was born- I love to use, reuse and repurpose almost everything in my craft room.

When I had to clean my space and collected paper waste for the bin a brochure of a german online company (similar to etsy) crossed my cleaning. The paper felt so nice and smooth, and the weight was so heavy and sturdy… I could not discard it!

All mixed media artists own lots and lots of Gesso, so I covered the whole brochure with Gesso. Then I wiped and stamped and stenciled and sprayed … et voilá: I got a really pretty art journal almost for free.

I used the journal for even more mixed media later, and to be completely honest with you: It became my favorite art journal so far!

For detailled instuctions please watch the video below.

For more inspirations and upcycle projects please visit the Imagine Crafts blog:




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